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Write down five words to help you talk about these sights .

1-4 класс

Write down five words to help you talk about these sights .
Westminster Abbey-
The Tower of London-
Big Ben-

Vkrumata 02 сент. 2013 г., 20:32:21 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
02 сент. 2013 г., 21:36:55 (10 лет назад)

There is a famous clock in London called Big Ben.
From Tower Bridge you can see the Tomer of London.
Westminster  Abbey is one of the oldest churches in the city.


Другие вопросы из категории

Исправь ошибки-зачеркни лишнее слово.

1)We mustn't to feed animals at the zoo.
2)We have to wear a uniform at a school.
3)Wales are the bigger than dolphins.
4)Giraffes are usually eating from the tree now.
Желательно с переводом!

Задайте общие вопросы

1 I am jn a farm. .......................on a farm?
2 I like ham. ...............................ham?
3 I'd like some ham. .................some ham?
4 I've got sdome ham. .................any ham?
5 I can visit the farm. .....................the farm?

Помогите перевести .

Ми смотрим футбольный матч сейчас
Алена поучает приз сейчас
Мальчики играют в хоккей каждую зиму
Мой брат одевает спортивную форму каждый день
Ты можешь выиграть эту игру
Мои друзья имеют перегонки каждый день

Читайте также

Write down five words to help you talk about these sights.

Westminster Abbey -
The Tower of London -
Big Ben -
Переведите задание и сделайте его. Пожалуйста..*

5 класс Английский язык Биболетова М.З , Денисенко О.А , Трубанева Н.Н

Ask people to help you in these situations

1.You dont know what this word means
2.You cant find your pen to write down a word
3.You want to know the time
4. you didnt understand what your partner said
5.You want to leave a message for friend
Пожайлуста помогите:)

№1 Ask people to help you in these situations. Example:You can't hear what the tacher is saying very well. -Could you speak louder, please& 1.You

don't know what this word means. 2.You can't find your pen to write down a word. 3.You want to know the time. 4.You didn't understade what your partner said. 5.You want to leave a message for your friend.

Unit 1 “Hello! Nice to see you again!”

1 Fill in the blanks with speak, tell or say.
1. She’ll_________ us about her visit to Samara.
5.French students __________ English well.
2. Brian______ me that he didn’t like the Science lesson.
6. The doctors _____ that I must drink a lot of carrot juice.
3. “Don’t ask too many questions,” teachers ________.
7. “Can I__________ to Mary, please?”- “Just a minute”
4. Don’t __________ lies.
Score __________________/7

2 Find the correct questions tags to the sentences on the left.
1) He sometimes reads the newspaper,…?
2) You are Indian, …?
3) Peggy didn't use the pencil, …?
4) The boy is from Turkey, …?
5) Sue wasn't listening, …?
6) Andrew isn't sleeping, …?
7) Tom and Maria will arrive at Heathrow, …?
Score _____________________/7

3 Fill in the blanks with miss, spend, abroad, shopping, pictures, Maths, age.
1. Every summer I ________my holidays in the country near a nice river.
4. My friend went _______last year. He is in France now. I __________him very much.
2. I like to take ___________ of this river.
5. You must not miss ______________ lessons.
3. My mother likes to go_____________.
6.What is her ________________________?
Score _____________________/6

4 Complete the sentences. Make a new word using –er, -man, -ist, -or and fill in the blanks.
1) Our History __________ always tells us very interesting stories! (to teach)
2) Who is your favourite ___________? (to write)
3) What is this film about? – A well-known ___________. (sport)
4) He says he wants to become a famous ________.(to act)
5) My brother likes drawing. I think he will become an ___________one day. (art)

Score _____________________/5

5 Write down 3 forms of irregular verbs.


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