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When do lessons begin at your school

5-9 класс

Egor4i4ec 03 апр. 2017 г., 12:58:12 (7 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 апр. 2017 г., 15:37:39 (7 лет назад)

At my school lessons begin at 8.30 a. m.


Другие вопросы из категории

Читайте также

1. Where is your school? 2. Is your school big or small? 3. When do lessons start? 4. Can you choose your subjects? 5. What

subjects are compulsory?

6. What subjects are optional?

7. What do you think is the most important subject?

8. What is your least favourit subgect?

9. Do you have to wear a uniform?

10. What are your classmates like?

11. Does anybody bully people in your class?

12. What are your teachers like?

13. Do you get any punishments in your school?

14. What is good in your school?

15. What is bad in your school?

ответте плиз

напишите небольшой рассказ)буду очень благодарен!)) пожалуйста!!!) используйте вопросы!!!) 1) Where is your school? 2) is your

schhool big or small?

3) when do lessons start?

4) can you choose your subjects?

5) what subjects are compulsory?

6)what subgects are optinal?

7)what do you thing is the most important subgect?

8)what is your least favourite subgect?

9)do you have to wear a uniform?

10)what are your classmates like?

11)does anybody bully people in your class?

12)what are your teachers like?

13)do you get any punishments in your school?

14)what is good in your school?

15)what is bad in your school?

Think about the questions and write a brief report about the types of clubs and activities in your school. Remember to include an introduction, body and



Why are clubs important in schools?
How do they help students?


What clubs and extra activities are available at your school?
When do the activities take place?
How many students are there in the different clubs?
Is the number of students in school clubs going up or down?


Why is the number of students so high/low at your school?
What would you recommend to get more students to join clubs?
How do you think clubs could be improved?

Переведиите вопросы

1.what do you think of your form-master(mistress)?
2.what subject does she teach?
3.when do lesson begin?
4. How many lessons have you got a day?
5.what do the puplis have their daybooks for?
6.Are the puplis often calles to the blackboard in your school?

помогите ответить плииииз оооочень хорошо 1. How big is a typical Russian school? 2.Do you wear a uniform at your school? 3.How many school holidays do

you have each year? 4. How long is your school day? 5. Must all the pupils learn a foreign language? 6. What are the teachers like in Russia Are they strict?

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