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напишите , пожалуйста как читать по русски и перевод.

1-4 класс

cold, cloudy, windy,hot, sunny, snowy, warm, rainy, holliday, hollidays, to have a picnic,
to fiy a kite, to play hide-and-seek , large,sometimes, interesting ,go shopping, in the middle of, next to,under, behind, behing, between, on,above, in the left corner, in the right corner,country, in the country,capital, people,Great Britain,become, carry, thing, talk, caught, catch, make-made, be-was, come-came, draw-drew, meet-met, put-put, sing-sang, tell-told, bite, read-read, write-wrote, think-thought, run-ran

Neft1Furri1Anna 16 дек. 2014 г., 11:48:56 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
16 дек. 2014 г., 13:32:27 (9 лет назад)

cold - холодный
 cloudy -облачный
hot - горячий
 sunny - солнечный
snowy - снежный
warm -тёплый
rainy - дождливый
 holliday - выходной
 hollidays- кнаикулы( выходные)
 to have a picnic - устроить пикник
to fiy a kite - запустить воздушного змея
 to play hide-and-seek - играть в прятки
 large - большой
sometimes - иногда
interesting - интересный
go shopping - пойти за покупками
 in the middle of в середине (чего-то)
next to - соседний (ближайший)
under - под
behind - позади
 behing - опережать
 between - между
 on - на
above - над
 in the left corner - в левом углу
 in the right corner - в правом углу
country -страна
in the country- в стране
capital - столица
 people- люди
Great Britain - Великобритания
become- прибывать
 carry - нести
 thing- вещь
  talk- говорить
caught- пойманный
catch- поймать
 make-made - делать-сделать 
be-was - быть-был
come-came - приходить-приходил
draw-drew - рисовать-рисовал
 meet-met - встречается-встречался
put-put - положить-положил
 sing-sang - петь, пел
 tell-told - сказать-сказал
bite - укусить
read-read - читать, прочитал 
write-wrote- писать-написал
 think-thought -думать-думал 
run-ran - бежать-бежал

+ 0 -
16 дек. 2014 г., 14:06:21 (9 лет назад)



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Yesterday it (to be) my day off. When you (to have) breakfast yesterday? – I (to have) breakfast at 9. Yesterday my friends (to come) to see me

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Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F)

Переведите пожалуйста и помогите , кому не сложно :)

1 You can meet great character of history and art at Madame Tussaud museum
2 There are no actors and filmstars among Madame Tussaud life-size figures of famous people.
3 There is a special place for the Queen*s Family at Madame Tussaud*s museum .
4 MOMI is Natural History Museum .
5 In MOMI you can learn about the history and magic of theatre .
6 During your visit to MOMI yoi*ll meet characters from the past .
7 There are few parks in London.
8 London Zoo,a lake and a theatre are all in Regent*s Park.
9 The statue of the famous Peter Pan is in one of London*s Parks.

Читайте также

напишите , пожалуйста как читать понапишите , пожалуйста как читать по русски и перевод.

cold, cloudy, windy,hot, sunny, snowy, warm, rainy, holliday, hollidays, to have a picnic,
to fiy a kite, to play hide-and-seek , large,sometimes, interesting ,go shopping, in the middle of, next to,under, behind, behing, between, on,above, in the left corner, in the right corner,country, in the country,capital, people,Great Britain,become, carry, thing, talk, caught, catch, make-made, be-was, come-came, draw-drew, meet-met, put-put, sing-sang, tell-told, bite, read-read, write-wrote, think-thought, run-ran

доброе утро! напишите пожалуйста как читаются по русски английские числительные от 1 до 30 first, second, fhird, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,

eighth, ninth, tenth, eieventh, tweifth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, nineteenth, twenteenth, thirtieth

In very early times grain was poundedand consumed as a watery paste. During the Stone Age grain was crushed between stones and gave a crude flour which

was mixed to a dough with water,shaped to a round, flat cake and then cooked on a large stone over a fire. As you may imagine the result – a rather hard bread – was very different from the loaf we know today. The next step was baking of fermented dough s.An old story says that a forgetful young Egyptian left some uncooked dough sitting for some time before he remembered it, and during this time the dough fermented. This caused the dough to rise, then it was made into loaves. A fter baking the loaves, our young Egyptian baker found he had produced the first light textured risen bread.

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