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What do you Iike to do in winter?

5-9 класс

What do you Iike to do in sammer? перевести на русский
Очень прошу сильно надо помогите заранее спасибо большое

Дащок 13 июня 2014 г., 19:00:50 (9 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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13 июня 2014 г., 21:05:45 (9 лет назад)

что вам нравиться делать зимой? что вам нравиться делать летом?


Другие вопросы из категории

1. A new student ___ foreign lgnguages very well.

2. She didnt ____ me anything.
3. When I _____ very g=fast my friend

№1 выбрать правильное 1. I no can understand I can't understand 2. He can drive a tractor He cans drive a tractor 3

. Can you swim fast?

Do you can swim fast?

4. We can to play tennis quite well

We can play tennis quite well

5. You speak Italian very good

You speak Italian very well

6. He plays very well the piano

He plays the piano very well

№2 поставить в правильном порядке

1. tell, time, me, please, you, the. can?

2. party, you, can, to, come,my

3. glass, please, i, of, water, can, have, a

4. slowly, speak, more, you. please, can

5. lift, give, you, a, can, i

Report these statements.

1.Susan: "Next weekend we will go to the country to breathe fresh air and tj have a good rest."
2.Dick to his friend :" I am sneezing and coughing now because I have a bad cold"
3. The doctor to the patient:"If you take this medicine regularly,you will recover soon."

Читайте также

помогите!!!Answer the questions. Where do you usually spend your summer holidays?what do you like to do in the country\?what do you like to do at the

seaside?what do you like to do in the city?what do you like to do to at camp?и последний do you like your summer holidays?Why?спасибо всем,кто предложит свой вариант!!!

1. what do you like to do in the

1. what do you like to do in the
2. what do you like to do at the
3. what do you like to do in the
4, what do you like to do to at
5. Do you like your summer holidays? Why?

ответить на вопросы на англ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА, очень важно: 1Why do people become vegetarians? What do you do to keep fit? What

food do you try to avoid?
2What indoor sports are most popular with teenagers in your country?

Why do teenagers often do extreme sports? What kind of sport is your
3Do you agree with the English proverb about bad weather and bad

clothes, why? What clothes do you prefer to wear out of school? What
are your favourite colours for clothes?

4Do you think it’s exciting to be a famous actor, why? When did you last

see a theatrical performance? What do you like to do in your free time?

Complete the dialogue with these phrases. There is one phrase (a–f) you do not have to use. Jenny: What do you want to be when you

1) …?

Mark: I want to 2) … .

Jenny: Really? What do you 3) … for that?

Mark: Well, you have to 4) … and you have to be good at 5)……

a) Maths and Physics

b) have to do

c) get good school results

d) be a pilot

e) I’d like

f) leave school

Answer these questions using want or hope. 1 You're thirsty. What do you want? I want a cup of tea. 2 The lesson feels very long. What do you hope? 3

You're hungry. What do you want? 4 Your friend feels ill. What do you hope? 5 You're tired. What do you want to do? 6 You're upset. What do you want to do? 7 It's very cold weather. What do you hope? 8 Your friend feels sad. What do you want?

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