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Составьте предложения из набора слов

5-9 класс


124a 11 июня 2014 г., 20:20:04 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 июня 2014 г., 21:38:30 (9 лет назад)

He didn't go out with his friends yesterday. 
My brother is going to take part in the football match.
Does she go to the country at the weekend?
What are you going to do next week?

+ 0 -
10 окт. 2016 г., 20:50:22 (7 лет назад)

likes? ham?she


Другие вопросы из категории

"Hurry up",said Mum,"or we'll be late for school. " We all rushed downstairs,picked up our bags and went outside. Mum closed the door. "No,wait!

said Kate. " I forgot my homework . Mrs James will go mad if I don't have it with this time! " So we all went back. "Be quick,Kate," cried Mum, " or will be very late for school , and Mrs James really will be cross with you" Kate found her homework and rushed downstairs . We all picked up our bags and went outside. Mum closed the door and turned the key in the lock . We all headed for the car. " No,wait! " said Charlie. " I forgot my sport kit and it's football today. " So we all went back inside. "hurry up,Charlie! " cried Mum. " We'll be late for shool! " Charlie got his sport kit and rushed downstairs. We all picked up our bag bags and went outside. Mum closed the door and turned the key in the lock . She unlocked the car and we all tried to get in front seat. We could tell by the look on Mum's face that this was not a good idea, so we got in the back and put on our seatbelts. "I don't believed it ! " cried Mum . I forgot my bag Well never get to school today . She took off her seatbelts and went back in the house. Mum found her bag and rushed out of the front door . She locked the door , got back into the car ' put on her seatbelts and started the car up. "Can we have the radio on,please'Mum? " said Kate. "OK," said Mum. "But let's get going or we'll never get to scholl today. " And the man on the radio said, "Good morning! Now for the latest news on this lovely Saturday morning... " "Saturday? I don't believe it! " said Mum. "Whoopee! " cried the kids. переведите умоляю

написать письмо на подобие этого текста помогите плииз

How are you getting on? I haven't heard from you for ages. Where have you been?
I'm fine. At the moment I'm at home. I need some rest after my summer adventures. They were very exciting.
In June we went camping in the forest in Karelia. Fortunately the weather was great. There are a lot of beautiful lakes there too. Next year we'll probably go there again. Do you want to come with us?
In July I went to see my granny. She lives in a nice little village near Kaluga. My friends and I had a lot of fun. Unfortunately, their life isn't easy. A lot of people in the village have lost their jobs and they don't have much money.
I'm spending August at home because I have to get ready for school. This year is going to be very important for me. The good news is that Helen, who is good at all school subjects, promised to help me. Do you remember her?
I miss you a lot. How are you? How's your little brother? Say hello to your mum and dad too. I hope they're fine. Write soon!
Best wishes, Your friend

Читайте также

Нужно верно составить предложения из английских слов.Естественно с добавлением дополнительных слов при котором предложение станет нормальным. Например:

даны слова: Make,tidy,his room. По этим словам нужно составить предложение. Например: Ann makes Steve tidy his room.
1) Want,make a mess,in the house,not.
2)Ask,turn the musik off.
3)Let,take,her things,not
4)Make,do the dishes.
5)Need,do the shopping.
6)Would like,walk the dog.

составьте предложения из данных слов be watch enjoy leave decide fall to look for terrible







to knock

some thing

some one

to water

только плиз нормальные не из двух слов

нужно составить предложения из набора слов 1.you/ have/ French lesson/ now?. 2.your/ best/ friend/ at the moment?. 3.your/ teacher/

write /on the board?.

4.you/enjoy/the lesson?


Составить предложения из набора слов

I behaved am very stupidly you afraid

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