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Would you like ...?

5-9 класс

What`s the answer?
Сhoorse the correct reply (a-f).

1. Would you like a cold drink?
2. Would you like to go to the cinema on Friday?
3. Would you like a hamburger?

4. Would you like to go to the school disco?
5. Would you like that cassette for your birthday?
6. Would you like help with your homework?

а. No thanks, I don`t like that kind of music.

b. No thanks, I don`t eat meat.

c. Yes please, I feel very thirsty.

d. Yes please, I think she`s a great singer!

e. No thanks, I don`t like cinemas.

f. Yes please, I can`t understend it at all.

9905666 12 сент. 2014 г., 21:54:17 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
13 сент. 2014 г., 0:11:34 (9 лет назад)




Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите пожалуйста)
Complete the text.

Use: idea, spend, arrange, sports, enjoyed, responsible, great, proposed.
My younger brother had his birthday on Sunday. I proposed to arrange a birthday party for him and his friends. "Not a bad ________ !" said my parents. We decided to _________ Sunday in the country. I was _______ for the social programme. We played games and __________, sang songs, danced and took photos. My brother and his friends _______ the picnic. "That was ______, " he said and kissed me. Next year we are going to _____________ a birthday picnic for my brother and his friends again.

Переведите качественно пожалуйсто :сDear Julia,Thank you for your messange. I think its a great idea to visit you in London.All of us will be happy to get

the invitation letter very soon. What can i tell you about my holidays?They were great! I spent my holidays in Boldino. My granny has a country house there.Boldino is near Nizhniy Novgorod, one of the oldest Russian cities.Many years ago Alexander Pushkin,the greatest Russian poet,...(live) in Boldino. He created about 60 tales.poems and novels there. Now there is a tradition tp celebrate "Boldino autumn" when many poets go there and recite their poems. The weather...(be) bine every day.My friend and o spent a lot of time outdoors.We (swim), played and rode our bikes.We also picked berries and gathered mushroom in the nearby forest. In the evening we usually (make) a fire ,played the guitar and ... (sing) songs.I ...(take) a lot of photos of my friends and me. This one is for you . I hope youll recognise me. You know i have a sweet tooth , so a asked my granny to make some cherry jam.

Читайте также

заполнить пропуски словами : some, any, no 1. there is ___ juice in the glass. 2. would you like ___ orange juice? ___ No, thank you. I do

n`t want ___.

3. are there ___ people on the farm? - yes, there are ___

4. they have ___ money at home.

5. would you like ___ tea?

6. there were ___ letters in the letterbox.

Complete B's sentences .Make sentences from the words in brackets would you like something to eat

1 Would you like something to eat? No, thanks. I've just had lunch. (just/have)

помогите пож Write true responses to the offers. Use No, thanks, or Yes, please. 1. Would you like some

2. Would you like something to eat?
3. Would you like a new school bag?
4. Would you like some cheese?

Ответьте на вопросы: 1. Have you decided yet what job you'd like to do then you're older? 2. Would you like to go to university? If so,

what do you think you would study?

3. Do you think you'll ever go abroad to work?

4. Would you like to do the same job that someone in your family does now?

5. Can you imagine yourself running your own business one day?

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