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помогите написать сочинение как я отмечаю новый год

1-4 класс

18181фффф 18 марта 2014 г., 8:29:34 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
18 марта 2014 г., 10:19:40 (10 лет назад)

New Year Holiday

There are a lot of holidays during the year. Some of them are national, some of them are private or religious but one holiday is celebrated all over the world. It is New Year. This holiday can be called international as each person on our planet enjoys celebrating it.

New Year is a magical time when all the miracles seem to come true. People have a great opportunity to look at their deeds and events during the previous year in order to decide what to do further. All of us are full of hope and joy. We are eager to believe that the New Year is able to be much better. We hope that it brings only the Good and this thought makes us happy.

Before New Year people usually draw the line of theirs aims and plans. They try to finish all incomplete duties and solve all the problems in order to leave all negative things in the past. People decorate theirs houses with bright and sparkling New Years tree. Children write long letter to Santa Claus with all their wishes. Mothers and wives cook special tasty New Years dinner. It is the great moment to spend all the time with people you love.

Each nation has its own rituals concerning New Year celebration like for example, Italians who throw away all the unnecessary things. But in spite of all national differences each of us hopes for better life and optimistic future. We are all the same whispering our devout desires as the clock strikes 12 times.

+ 0 -
18 марта 2014 г., 12:55:11 (10 лет назад)

в инете найди там много таких сочинений)

+ 0 -
18 марта 2014 г., 13:50:15 (10 лет назад)



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пожалуйста помогите!нужна простая,легкая и не сложная информация(по английски естественно)про то,как отмечают Новый год,(на картинке показано где)

просьба писать про какую страну написано,и чтобы текст был не большой(его задали пересказать)заранее спасибо!)))

As group find about New Year celebrations in these countries.Answer these questions| 1.Is New Year an important holiday?Why is it important


2.How do the people in each country celebrate it (fireworks,processions)?

3.When do they celebrate it (dates,summer/winter)?

Помогите написать про то как отмечают Новый Год в Великобритании,России,США,Испании,Бразилии,Испании и в Италии по этому плану.

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