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прошу вас помогите мне с прямой

5-9 класс

прошу вас помогите мне с прямой речью...умоляю
1. When will I know the results of the examination? - Maria asked the examiner....
2. i will see you in the morning, Helen - Peter told Helen....
3. You cant park here. - The police officer told Jack....
4. I kile this hotel very mutch.- Diana told me....
5. The trousers have to be ready this afternoon.-Paul told the dry-cleaners....
6. I left my umbrella here two days ago.- Susan told them....
7. I think its going to rain tonight.- William said...
8. What time does the film start,Peter?- I asked....
9.Why did you apply for this job? asked the sales manager.- The sales manager asked me....
10. im taking the 5:30 train tomorrow evening- Janet said....

Elizzabett 07 дек. 2014 г., 9:04:44 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
07 дек. 2014 г., 10:28:12 (9 лет назад)

1) Maria asked the examiner when she would know the results of the examination.
2) Peter told Helen that he would see her in the morning.
3) The police officer told Jack that he couldn't park there.
4) Diana told me that she liked that hotel very much.
5) Paul told the dry-cleaners that the trousers had to be ready that afternoon.
6) Susan told them that she had left her umbrella there two days before.
7) William said he thought it was going to rain that night.
8) I asked Peter what time the film started.
9) The sales manager asked me why I applied for that job.
10) Janet said that she was taking 5.30 train the next evening.


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Расположить в правильном порядке.

-Take some cakes, please. I cooked them myself.
- Would you like a cup of tea?
- Oh, this is delicious.
- Oh, thank you. Just one more please.
- Yes, please.
- Would you like some more cakes?
- Next time you are around, please, come to have a cup of tea.
- Thank you, I really enjoyed it.

Заранее спасибо!

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на англиском

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переведите плиз на англ С каждым годом на нашей планете становится все меньше и меньше диких животных. И это понять нетрудно:

увеличивается количество населения в мире, а чем больше людей, тем меньше места для обитания животных.

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Ребят прошу вас помогите мне очень надо сейчас и сегодня.

Перевести в косвенную речь и на английском и на русском.
A father and his baby
One Sunday some visitors to Hyde Park, who were sitting on benches quietly enjoying their sandwiches, were suddenly surprised by a strange young man.
The young man was pushing a pram. The baby in the pram was crying loudly. The young man stopped and said softly, "You should take it easy, Tom. You should control yourself, Tom." The baby calmed down for a minute but then it started to cry again. The young man stopped, took out a little toy out of the bag, gave the toy to the child and said, "You should take it easy, Tom. You should control yourself, Tom."
They went on, but soon the child started to cry again. The young man stopped, took some chocolate out of his bag and gave it to the baby. "Don't worry, Tom. It's OK, Tom. You'll be all right, Tom," he said. But the baby didn't calm down. It just cried louder and louder.
An old woman who had been watching the man came up to him and smiled. "You're a great father," she said, "You know how to talk to your baby, in a nice, quiet voice." Then she looked into the pram and asked, "What's wrong with you, Tom? Why are you crying?"
The father looked at the woman strangely and said, "The baby is a girl. Her name's Sabrina. Tom is my name."

Aesop and the traveller
Aesop, a Greek philosopher, was famous for his jokes. One day Aesop was out for a walk when he saw a man. The man was lost. The man greeted Aesop and asked him, "How long will it take me to get to the town?" "Go," said Aesop. The traveler didn't understand the reply. "I know that I have to go," he said and repeated his question, but Aesop's reply was the same. "Go," he said again very politely.
The traveller went away. "The man is mad," he decided. After the traveller had gone some
distance, Aesop shouted after him, "You'll get to the town in two hours."
The traveller came back to Aesop and asked: "Why didn't you tell me that before?" "I didn't tell you because I didn't know how fast you could walk," Aesop replied.

ПРОШУ ЛЮДИ ПОМОГИТЕ МНЕ!!!;( я плохо знаю английский здесь на фото нужно с английского перевести на русский я смотрела в переводчик ни как прошу сделайте

мне добро не ленитесь плииз И Я ВАМ ДАМ 20 БАЛЛОВ!!! Для вас этот текст наверное легкий прошу

Прошу вас помогите через 15 минут мне уже надо идти а я всё ещё не сделала! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ!

Написать надо на английском про Rosa Parks:
•Date and place of birth
•Family and childhood
•Personal life
•Interesting events her life
•Importance? Greatest achievement?

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