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Помогите, пожалуйста. In which country is it impolite to open a gift when it is presented? 1. France 2.USA 3. Korea. Заранее спасибо:)

5-9 класс

Brezginakatya 19 февр. 2014 г., 6:07:08 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
19 февр. 2014 г., 9:04:42 (10 лет назад)

2. USA я уверен. не забудь нажать спасибо


Другие вопросы из категории

Заменить прямую речь косвенной

1. The teacher asked Tom: “Do you come to school by bus or on foot?”
2. A man stopped me in the street and asked: “Have you got a watch?”
3. The teacher asked us: “ Do you understand the question?”
4. Henry’s father asked his son: “ Do you want to be an engineer or a doctor?”
5. I asked Peter, "Are you going to play football on friday?"
6. He asked his secretary, "Has the postman been yet?"


Читайте также

1.Is it necessary to learn grammar?

2. Should one practise grammar andvocabulary together or in isolation?
3. Which is better: to practise using new words or lern them by heart?
4. Are idioms esy to learn?
5.Why is it important to keep yourself up-to-date with idioms?
6. Why is it important to use the right intonation when you talk to people?
7. Why is it useful to tray to guess the meaning of words from the context?
8.What can one do to learn to understand spoken English?
9. What is the most difficult feature of learning a language?
10. What does "social English" mean?

Ответьте на вопросы

помогите пожалуйста !!! ответить на вопроси Answer the questions 1) Which of the three types is better for work in class ? for

homework ? Why ?

2) Is it important to know what type of learner you are ? Why ?
3) Is it important to use other types of learning ?Why ?
4) Can you develop a different type of learner ? How ?

Завершите предложения:1) The buildings in this part of the city are.... than in its centre.(modern)2) Life in the country is.... than city

lufe(expensive) 3)The town is famous for its library,one of the... in the country.(old) 4) I think that this park is the... in the city(good) 5) His restaurant is one of the... in the town.(popular) 6) This newsagent is the... to Alice's house,isn't it?(near)

Помогите пожалуйста)))

Просто свои мысли на русском напишите)))
ЧТо можно еще ДОБАВИТЬ? и вообще нормально написано??))мне нужно 200 слов....

In our country, is sufficiently large
population. And we as a rule have a large number of teenagers. I am a teenager,
too. We have different tastes in music, watch different movies, dress
differently. However, we are bound by the school. And most of the expectations
and worries associated with it. Everyone experiences about their assessments,
trying to learn well.
Someone plays a lot of computer, someone a lot of walking, and someone plays sports. We
all have different interests and preferences

Помогите пожалуйста, срочно надо??)

It's a bad habit to study (0) (hard / hardly / harder) just before the exams. Some students learn (1) ( quicker / more quickly / most quickly) in groups than alone. Students learn a language (2) ( easier / the easiest / easily ) and (3) ( fast / faster / the fastest ) in the country where it's spoken. You should practise English (4) ( less often / often / more often ) if you want to speak (5) ( fluent / fluently / more fluent ). (6) The ( most effective / more effectively / effective ) way to learn a language is to study it (7) ( regular / regularly / more regularly ). You'll feel (8) ( comfortable / comfortably / the most comfortable ) speaking in a foreign language if you are not afraid of making mistakes. If you have no idea what a word means, look it up in a dictionary (9) (immediate / immediately). Think (10) ( more careful / carefully / most carefully ) before you are going to write an essay. If you finish an activity (11) ( early / earlier / more early ) than your partner, use the time to do some (12) ( additional / additionally ) exercises.

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