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составить 5 предложений с "used to"

5-9 класс

кисочечка 02 мая 2013 г., 21:30:54 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 мая 2013 г., 0:22:02 (11 лет назад)

 I used to play dolls, but now I do not do it/

I used to smoke, but not now.

I used to cry very often.

I used to sing, but now I haven't got good voice.

I used to drink tea, but now I drink coffee. 

+ 0 -
03 мая 2013 г., 3:07:10 (11 лет назад)

1. Anna used to be slim, but now she is fat.

2. I used to eat a lot of food every day, but now I am on diet.

3. When I was a child, I used to play piano.

4. There used to be a cinema in my neighbourhood,  but now there isn't.

5. I used to live at my grandmother's place.


Другие вопросы из категории

Переведите пожалуйста из Активного залога в Пассивный залог:

1. He waters the flowers.
2. The flowers are watered by him.
3. The parents took their children to the cinema.
4. The children were taken by the parents.
5. They will invite me to the party.
6. I will be invited to the party.

Помогите надо составить правильно вопросы.

you/Have/got/a pet/?
you/Have/got/a sister or a brother/?

Читайте также

A. 1. When my grandparents were young people they used to ... . 2. In prehistoric times people used to ... . 3. In the 18th century they used to ... .

4. Before airplanes were invented people used to ... . 5. When there were no telephones people used to ... . B. 1. When I was two or three years old I got used to ... . 2. Later, when I was five, I was already used to ... . 3. When I went to school I quickly got used to ... . 4. A couple of years ago I still wasn't used to ... . 5. And now I think I am used to ... . Помогите, нужно дополгить предложение.

По этому примеру(1.He has already bought a tickets to London.2)He has never bought a ticket to London.3)He has never bought train tickets.4)He bought the

tickets two hours ago) надо составить 4 предложения с глаголом to read (this book)
to watch (this film)

Looking through the pages of old magazines one can notice things that refer to the fashion of those days . Womens skirts used to be long and formal.

All men … long hair. Children … like adults.Men and women … at formal balls. Women … many petticoats under their skirts. Men … walking sticks. Carry be dance dress have wear. Complete the text by using the ‘used to’ structure with the verbs in the box.

помогите сделать упр.вставляя данные слова и перевести пожалуйста

Complete the sentences with a verb from the list in the correct form. watch go ride wash live 2)We used to...........

in a small town but now we live in London.

3)Lucas used to........ lot of TV. Now he prefers to listen to music.

4)Little children are used to .........to bed early in the evening.

5)Linda used to...... a motorbake but i thing she has a car now.

6)We haven't got a dishwasher,so we're used to......... the dishes by hand

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