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How did the children ask and answer the questions?Tick(голочку) the correct question or answer. 1. Did you have a nice weekend? a.Yes,I

5-9 класс

have.I ve been to the theatre.

b.Yes,I do.I like it a lot.

c.Yes,I did.And what about you?

2. a.What did you do yesterday?

b.Why not go to the museum tomorrow?

c.What were you doing there?

I went to the Museum of London.

3. a. Have you been to Hyde Park?

b.Did you like Hyde Park?

c.Why not go to the park?

I,d like to.

4. a. Do you often go to the sports centre?

b.Why can,t you go there?

c.Let,s go to the cinema.

Sorry,I can,t .I have to do my homework.

5. a. Have you ever been to the capital of your country?

b. Did you go to the capital of your country?

c. Were you in the capital of your country?

Yes, I have.I have been there twice.

6. Have you ever been to London?

a. Yes,I was.

b. No, I haven,t.

c.Yes, I,did.

KARAL2001 10 июня 2014 г., 23:50:19 (9 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
11 июня 2014 г., 1:28:06 (9 лет назад)







+ 0 -
11 июня 2014 г., 3:37:15 (9 лет назад)


2) I went to the Museum of London.


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Life has become better since (1) _____ end of the cold war. Now a majority of people (2) _____ under democratic systems – 54,8% of them, to be exact. So, the idea of (3) _____ is a global reality. But there is just one problem. The democracy we (4) _____ around the world often has an ugly face.
Suppose the elections (5) _____ free and fair. But it brought to power racists, fascists or separatists, who publicly (6) _____ peace and integration. It does happen: (7) _____ elected leaders ignore constitutional limits on their power and the basic rights of the people.
The Western democracy (8) _____ liberal democracy – not only free and fair elections but also the respect of the basic rights. Now we see the rise of the illiberal democracy – a lot of elections but few (9) _____ rights like the rule of law, free speech or private property. People in the countries without a tradition of ethnic harmony often (10) _____ along racial, religious or ethnic lines.
Abridged and simplified from the NEWSWEEK

1. A. – B. an C. the
2. A. lives B. live C. will live
3. A. fascism B. democracy C. separatism
4. A. see B. will see C. should see
5. A. will be B. were C. was
6. A. oppose to B. oppose C. oppose against
7. A. democratic B. democracy C. democratically
8. A. has always meant B. has always mean C. always meant
9. A. individuality B. individually C. individual
10. A. are voting B. voted C. vote

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Задание: Ask and answer the questions.

a) What was the weather like in London?
-It/ very bad
b) What/ weather/ like/ Paris?
c) How did he go to Dover?
-He/ go/ by bicycle.
d) How/ go/ to Paris?
-________ by ferry.
e) Where was Robert in September
( October, November, December)?

Вот текст по которому надо делать:

Answer the questions. 1.Who is telling the story? 2.Where was the writer born? 3.Where did he live in England? 4.Where was the end of the Roman

territory? 5.How did the Roman boy and the Celtic girl meet? 6.Why didn't the girl die when she fell off the wall? 7.What was the girl's name? 8.Who was the girl's aunt? 9.Why was the Roman boy scared of Druids? 10.Patrick and Hilori got married,didn't they? 11.Who started the war between the Romans and the Celts? 12.What happened in yhe end? 13.What did the ring bring in this story? Помогите пожалуйста.

Кто говорит история? 2. Где он родился? 3. Где он живет в Англии? 4. Где был конец римской территории? 5. Как римский мальчик и девочка кельтских встретиться? 6. Почему ты не девушка умирает, когда она упала стена? 7. Как звали девушку? 8. Кто был тети девушки? 9. Почему римский мальчик боится друидов? 10. Патрик и Hilori вышла замуж, не так ли? 11. Кто начал войну между римлянами и кельтами? 12. То, что произошло в 5 он закончится? 13. Что кольцо принести в эту историю?

Mum is talking with children.

How did the children answer her guestions? Complete the children's answers with the adverd and the correct verb form.

Answer the questions. 1.Who is telling the story?

2.Where was the writer born?
3.Where did he live in England?
4.Where was the end of the Roman territory?
5.How did the Roman boy and the Celtic girl meet?
6.Why didn't the girl die when she fell off the wall?
7.What was the girl's name?
8.Who was the girl's aunt?
9.Why was the Roman boy scared of Druids?
10.Patrick and Hilori got married,didn't they?
11.Who started the war between the Romans and the Celts?
12.What happened in yhe end?
13.What did the ring bring in this story?
Помогите очень)ответьте на вопросы на английском

нужно отметить галочкой правильное 1.Did you have a nice weekend? a) yes ,i have. i've been to the theatre.

b) yes ,i do . i like it a lot.
c) yes i did and what about you?

a) what did you do yesterday?
b) why not go to the museum tomorrow?
c)) what were you doing there?
2. went to the museum of London*

a)have you been to Hyde Park?*
b) did you like Hyde Park?
c) why not go to the park?
3. i,d lake to

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