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отредактировать предложении:What is the entry invisitors’bookof thePanorama of the

1-4 класс

1854-1855 defence of Sevastopol ?(Что такое запись в
книге посетителей музея Панорамы обороны Севастополя в 1854-1855 ? )

Tic1Tac 02 июля 2013 г., 23:15:06 (10 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
03 июля 2013 г., 0:42:45 (10 лет назад)

There in an entry in the Visitors’ Book of the Panorama of the defence of Sevastopol in 1854-1855:


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d) It’s not known.

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Закончи предложения, как показано в образце.

Образец:(1) - My school bag is blue/
1 (They)____school is big
2 (You)____ dog is clever.
3 (She)____brother can run and jump well.
4 (He)_____eyes are green
5 (I)______hair is dark? but (she)____ hair is fair.
6 (We)_____friend has got thre cats
7(It)___ name is Tiger

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Надо перевести: Mr Brains. 11, Canon Street. High Brooms. TH2 3BR UK. И еще вопросы к этому заданию: 1 What is the name on the letter? 2 What is the

street name? 3 What is the house namber? 4 What is the town? 5 What is the country? Это надо перевести ( написать сюда ) и ответы на вопросы. Пожалуйста!

1.What is the political centre for London.

2.how can you get from trafalgar square to parliament square
3.Where does the british prime minister live
4.what is Whitehall
5.what is Bigben
6.what bridge is near the houses of parliament
7.where is Westminster Abbey?how old is it?what is famous for?
8.where does the Queen of England live
9.what monument is in front of Buckingham Palace?

Помогите плииз.Это все вопрросы.очень надо

1.What are the children eating?Why?(банан,яблоки,сладости)

2.What is the dog doing?(папин ужин)
3.Is Mum in or out?(ее нет дома)
4.Father is angry,isn"t he?Why?(потому что собака съела ужин)
5.Do you think it"s a funny story?
6.And what about your family?What do you do when your Mum is out?
Пожалуйста ответьте по правилам для 3 класса

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re is it? 4.Are there any rivers, lakes, seas, mountains near your town? 5.What is there in your dream town? 6.What are your favourite places in your town? 7.Who lives in your dream town? 8.What makes your dream town special?

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