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Помогите составить правильно по три предложения в Past Simple... Present Simple...Future Simple...Present Continuous( в положительной, отрицательной и

5-9 класс

вопросительнойформах).Заранее всем СПАСИБО! 6 класс

8Анюта8 15 янв. 2014 г., 4:29:35 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
15 янв. 2014 г., 5:34:40 (10 лет назад)

1. I go to the school every day
I do not go to the school every day
Do I go to the school every day?
2. I went to the cinema yesterday
I did not go to the cinema yesterday
Did i goto the cinema yesterday?
3. I will do this next week
I will not do this next week
Will I do this next week?
4. I am doing my homework now
I am not doing my homework now
am I doing my homework now?


Другие вопросы из категории

помогите очень надо!!! Choose the right form of the verb to make the sentences complete. A.1.Such long bridges seldom(are built/are being built).2.Excuseb

the mess .The house(is painted/is being painted).3.I can`t give eou the articles now.They (are translated/are being translated).4.Room 47 is not ready yet.It (is cleaned/is being cleand).5.At the moment a new road (is built/is being built) round the city.6.Such books (are not translated/are not being translated)easily.7.We are expecting guests.Tables(are land/are being laid).8.Your room will be ready soon.The beds (are made/are being made). B.1.John said they couldn`t take photos.The camera (was repaired/was being repaired).2.When they arrived home the walls of the dining room (were painted/were being painted).3.We couldn`t get inside.the floors (were washed/were being washed).4.Computer games (were not played/were not being playrd)when I was your age.5.Last summer this edition of the novel(was not sold/was not being sold).6.When Mr Brown phoned,the article still (was translated/was being translayed).7.When I live in Germany,newspapers (were brought/were being brought)to us early in the morning.8.I entered the hotel at.8.Everybody was busy.Rooms (were prepared/were being prepared) for the arriving guests.

Читайте также

Помогите, пожалуйста!Поставьте предложения в past simple or present perfect. Помогите, пожалуйста!

Поставьте предложения в past simple or present perfect!
1. Mary …… (never/go) to Paris, so she’s very excited about her journey.
2. McDonalds ….. (open) a new restaurant near my house, but I (not/go) there yet.
3. My father ….. (give up) smoking two years ago and he (not/smoke) a cigarette since then.
4. She ….. (live) in Rome for ten years, but she ….. (not/return) there since she ….. (move) to Florence.
5. The postman ….. (just/deliver) the letters. Here you are, Sam!
6. I ….. (learn) to drive when I ….. (be) 20, but I ….. (never/enjoy) driving.
7. It ….. (rain) since this morning.
8. Mum ….. (buy) a new type of cheese. Do you want to taste it?
9. Luke ….. (not/ride) a motorbike since his accident.
10. I ….. (not/hear) much of Tom lately.
11. What time …. (you/go) to the gym yesterday? I ….. (not/see) you.

Сделайте предложения в Past Continuous: 1.Мистер Бин дал детял игрушки 2.В коляске не было ребёнка 3.Почему Мистер Бин врезался в

дерево?или за кем мистер Бин ездил на машине?

Сделайте предложения в Present Perfect

1.Мистер Бин писал в блокноте.

2.Мистер Бин не купил джем.

3.Почему Мистер Бин не купил Джем?

Сделайте предложения в Past Simple

1.Мистер Бин врезался в дерево.

2.Мистер Бин не схватил воров в магазине.

3.Почему мистер бин не схватил воров в магазине?

Ребяяяяяят Помогите пожалуйста.))А то меня учительница сожрёт!!!Буду оень благодарна..Только не надо просто переводить их,а сделайте прям в временах))***

помогите составить вопросы по эти предложениям, а то в английском ноль вообще -___- 1.The lector will be delivered by a visiting professor.

p>2.There are all modern conveniences in the cottage.

3.That man has been to Australia five times.

4.It often rains in autumn in this country.

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