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Read and choose 1This is Mary's baby/babies. 2Where are the glass/glasses? 3Whose is this box/boxes? 4Bring me dish/dishes. 5I've got two shlf/shelves in

1-4 класс

my room.

Pilotb52 24 дек. 2015 г., 16:25:51 (8 лет назад)
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0 Жалоба
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24 дек. 2015 г., 17:30:25 (8 лет назад)



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решите плизз.

(взято из: 5 класс
Предмет Английский язык
Автор Е.А. Барашкова
Учебник Грамматика английского языка.
Сборник упражнений, часть 1)

что бы вы написали о погодн в рос7сии. закончите предложения. Days are-------.2)ln autumn it is usually-----.3)bays are-----.4)in winter the weather is

often----- and------. 5)lt is sometimes----- in sprinq. 6) ln sprinq days are----. 7) ln autumn it is often------.

сделайте кто что можете!
Help Miss Chatter to decorate her living room.Draw,colour ahd label(подпиши) the things in it.Describe the room.Use the words in the box.

Example Theare is a sofa next to the fireplace.
И типо 1 столбик.
on the wall
on the floor
on the shelf
at the wall
above the table
next to
Типо 2 столбик.
in the room
in the middle of the room
in the left corner of the room
in the right corner of the room
between the armchairs
Помогите пожалуйста.

Читайте также

Hi, I am Taras. I'm eleven. I'm from Kyiv. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. I've got a big family:

mother, father, sister and grandma. I haven't got a pet .I'd like to have a dog.Mum always says,,We'll talk about it tomorow". I've got two best friends :Ihor from my class and Dan.Dan is from Lviv.Ihor has got a boxer and Dan has got a dalmatian.I am crazy about dogs.Work in pairse. Complete the interview with Taras.1. What`s your...? My name`s
2. Where... you from? I`m from...
3. Are you...? Yes, I...
4. Have you got a...? No, I...
5. Have you got a...? Yes, I...
6. How many friends... you...? ... ... ...

Read and decide if the statements are true, false or nothing is known from the text

Maps were made long before reading and writing were invented. The earliest map that we know of is a cave painting on the Lascaux caves in France. The painting shows a part of the summer night’s sky 16500 years ago. Modern astronomers can still understand the night sky shown in the map. A four thousand year old map made by the Ba¬bylonians is still in existence. Many ancient map-makers thought that the world was flat, but explorers like Magel¬lan in the 15th century sailed around the world and helped to make better maps. Besides, measurements taken by satel¬lites show that our planet Is slightly pear-shaped. Satellites have also provided more accurate Information and have helped to see and map parts of the world that were lit¬tle known or never seen by humans before. Satellites have photographed the Amazon rainforest and have shown that the area the size of twenty football pitches is being cut down every minute. Pictures taken from space have also shown that one of the world's largest areas of inland water, the Aral Sea, has been shrinking very quickly. Modern satel¬lite maps show the effects of global warming and pollution and help us to understand the world around us better. More and more drivers nowadays rely on satellite navigation in their cars so the traditional road maps may not be around much longer.

Read and choose. 1 A: What*s this? B: a) It*s a pencil. b) These are pencils. 2 A: Whose is this doll? B: a) it*s Marina. b) it*s Marina*s. 3 A: What are

these? B: a) A pen. b) Pens. 4 A: Whose is this? B: a) Albert*s. b) Albert.

Read the letter and choose the right alternatives Dear Ann, I'm glad that you can come to Aberdeen in July. I'm sure you ... (11) like it


I expect you'll find it... (12) difficult to understand us in Scotland. We speak English, of course, but with a Scottish accent. We... (13) our own Scottish language, Gaelic. I can't speak it. It's very old and very difficult. Some people in the Western Highlands and ... (14) the Western Isles still speak it.

Let me tell you a few things about Aberdeen. It's the third largest city in Scotland after Edinburgh and Glasgow. It's famous... (15) an oil town because there are a lot of oil rigs in ... (16) North Sea. But don't worry, the beaches are clean. You won't be covered in oil when you ...(17) out of the sea.

We live in a detached house not far... (18) the centre. It's about twenty minutes ... (19) bus. I've got a sister. She's quite nice.

Well, I hope this information is interesting for you. Please write back and...(20) me about your family.

Love, Fiona.

11. A) will B) are liking C) going to

12. A) little B) a little C) a few

13. A) have also B) have too C) also have

14. A) on B) at C) out

15. A) as B) like C) with

16. A) a B) the C) no article

17. A) would come B) will come C) come

18. A) near B) from C) at

19. A) by B) on C) in

20. A) say B) tell C) say to

сделайте пожалуйста

Read and choose the correct word.

My Uncle Harry`s forty years old.He`s tall with fair hair and blye eyes.Uncle Harry`s a vet. He 1) work/ works at the Animal Hospital in Stonebridge. Uncle Harry doesn`t 2) wear/wears a uniform, but he 3) wear/ wears a white coat. He 4) help/ helps sick animals. In his free time Uncle Harry likes 5) cook/cooking and 6) play/playing tennis. I 7)think/thinks my Uncle Harry is great.

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