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Помогите написать эссе.... Work in group.Write dawn a list of changes you expect to happen in the world in a hundred

10-11 класс

years' time.Follow these steps.

Нужно написать про Education...

Dialogue vocabulary :

In a hundred years' time there will ...

The most dramatic change will take place in..

First of all, it's necessary to mention ..



We are convinced that..will..

We think... might become..

...is / are likely to become...

To sum it up , I'd like to say that..


advanced technologies .....computer classes...


(do) recearch.. alter.. become crucial..maintain....run out..

in response to..

нужно написать эссе 100 слов.помогите пожалуйста..

Guliyadar 26 мая 2013 г., 15:45:37 (11 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
26 мая 2013 г., 16:32:44 (11 лет назад)

сколько должно быть абзацев??


Другие вопросы из категории

раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из слудуйщих времен Pressent Simple,Past Simple ,Future Simple,Present Conyinuous,Pasp Continuous ,Present Per

fect,Past Perfect.
Yesterday I (to put) 5 apples into the vase.Where they (to be) now? - I (to eat) tnem. You (to bring) some more tomorrow? -Yes ,if you (not to make) noise when granny to sleep. You ever (to be) to the Hepmitage? What Nick (to do) when you (to ring) him up yesterdey? -He (to play) the piano.He (to tell) me That he already (to write) his composition. Whe she (to sleep) now? It 9 (to be) too early. She never to sleep at thes time. You (to go) to the library tomorrow? - No,I alredy (to be) to the library this week.I (to be) ther on Monday. As arule ,I ( to go) to the libraru every Wednesday.But yesterday I (not to be) there, because I (not to read) the book. I (to read) it now .I (to go) to the library on Saturday if I ( to finish) the book by that time .As soon as (to receive) a letter,I shall go to moscow.


живу в станице азовской. мне нравиться моя станица, потому что я там родилась и провела свое детство.Так как я люблю животных я поступила на ветеренарного врача. Сейчас я учусь на первом курсе. В свободное от учебы время я люблю читать дотективные романы. Мне достаточно нравиться смотреть художественные фильмы.Также я мечтаю путишествовать и побувать в разных городах и странах.

Complete a conditional sentence so that it means the same as in the situation.

Example: I think you have to hurry. You can miss the train.
You'll miss the train unless you hurry.
1. I'll probably get a pay rise next week. I want to buy a new TV.
If i.......................................................................................
2. I want to go the party but I feel really sick.
If I .......................................................................................
3.It's very unlikely that he'll fail his exam. He wants to take it again.
4.I'm sure that it'll rain tomorrow. i don't want to walk to work in the rain.
5. He wants to send her an email but he doesn't know her email address.
6. She must apologise to me or I won't forgive her.
I won't.................................................................................

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Помогите Пожалуйста!!!!! Work in groups of 3-4 and discuss the questionsППомогите Пожалуйста!! Work in groups of 3-4 and discuss the questionsПомогит

е Пожалуйста!!
Work in groups of 3-4 and discuss the questions .
Which idea from the messages above is closest to your own opinion?
Do you think it is important to look fashionable or different from others?Why ?
What determines a persons style in clothes What can you do to look different from other? Make a list of your ideas ?

Пожалуйста, помогите! Work in groups of 3-4. Follow these steps: Why is learning a foreign language important to you? Write a list. Read through the list

of reasons you have written and revise it. Choose the most important factors. Think about how these factors influence / could influence your life. Plan your presentation. Write the key points and the supporting arguments. Design a visual support in the form of a poster. Decide who will say what. Make the presentation. Use: beneficial for all, excellent knowledge, improve your life, effective(ly), easily, powerful, successful, amazing, enjoyable experience

Пожалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы))..хотя бы парочку ))...заранее спасибо)) 1. Imagine you are speaking at the environmental meeting in

our school. Say whether you are ecologically-conscious person or not and what you do to protect the environment.

2. Do you agree that everybody must take care of nature?

3. What is the ecological situation in our town (city/village) like? (Я живу в Бресте., Белаурусь)

4. What questions would you ask a famous scientist who tries to find the ways to solve environmental problems?

5. What would you say to a person who is indifferent to the environmental problems?


1. Представьте, что вы говорите на экологические встречи в нашей школе. Скажите ли вы экологически сознательный человек или нет, а то, что вы делаете, чтобы защитить окружающую среду.

2. Согласны ли вы, что каждый должен заботиться о природе?

3. Что такое экологическая ситуация в нашем городе (город / село), как? (Я живу в Бресте., Белаурусь)

4. Какие вопросы вы бы попросили известного ученого, который пытается найти пути решения экологических проблем?

5. Что бы вы сказали человеку, который равнодушен к проблемам окружающей среды?

нужно задать по два вопроса к каждому абзацу.

If you have ever dreamt about incredibly big seas with huge powerful waves crashing onto sandy beaches, then you should definitely think about learning to surf. It's the most exciting watersport there is. Serious surfers must be very brave, love adventure and have lots of energy. Once they've experienced the excitement of a ride on top of the waves, they never want to stop.

Surfers say they feel it's the only place to be. Many travel around the world searching for the perfect wave, moving from one surf festival to another and checking weather forecasts to see where the really exciting waves are expected next. Some even carry pagers which beep when there are weather reports of perfect conditions. A surfer's greatest disappointment would be missing the opportunity to surf in the best weather conditions.

Hawaii is where the sport began - the place which most surfers see as their "true home". They love nature and the excitement you get from the deep waters. Enormous waves crash along mile after mile of beautiful sand, and every surfer dreams of experiencing surfing in Maui or Oahu. Other great surfing locations include Australia, the west coast of the U.S., the Caribbean, Brazil, Japan, Hong Kong, South Africa, the Canary Islands, and Cornwall. Experienced surfers are always in search of the best waves in some totally unspoilt paradise that hardly anyone has heard of.

It takes time for a beginner to learn the technique, but during a long hot summer, who minds practising? The professionals, of course, are in the sea every day, then come back onto the beach to do some exercises with weights. You need to be a strong swimmer with good balance and plenty of courage to be an expert surfer.

You can surf almost anywhere in any weather if vow are wearing a wet suit. All you need to do then is choose a surfboard and you're ready to go - hopefully into big waves that are warm, with an experienced teacher to lead you. You don't need to wear a wet suit in summer, but many surfers keep them on all the time since they can protect you from the hot sun as well as from cold water.

It can take a few weeks or it can take a whole summer for you to learn to catch a wave at the right moment, stand up on your board and stay there. It's an amazing feeling when you look down and see your feet on the board and realise you are finally standing up on the sea, even if you aren't very steady. Professional surfers look as if they learned to surf as soon as they could walk. For example, Shane Powell, an Australian professional, watched videos of Australian surfing heroes like Peter Townsend, Barton Lynch and Tom Carpool as he was growing up. He says, "As a boy I'd watch those surfers and just imagine myself riding the waves." Howell seems to move over the sea without any difficulty. He first practised on small waves, but clearly had talent. By the age of 17 he was touring with the work 's best surfers, and now, at 23, he practises every day and an even younger generation of surfers study videos of him in action.

Simply watching great surfers will make you want to try the sport. If you do try it, you'll find muscles you never knew you had; you may begin to think you might never get it right, but you'll have a lot of fun.

Пажалуйста помогите ответить на вопросы. 1. What do you spend you pocket money on? Make a list of 5-6 ite ms you buy most often.

2. What would you like to buy but don't have enough money? Write a wish list of 3-4 things.

3. how often do you buy it?

4. How much do you spend on it?

5. How often do you use it?

6. Do you really need it?

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