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Will married Anne Hathaway in November,and she came to live in Henley Street.John Shakespeare was pleased that his oldest son was married,but I don't

5-9 класс

think Will's mother wanted him to marry so young.Families cost a lot of money,and John Shakespeare was having a lot of money troubles in those days.Times were hard in Henley Street.

Susanna was born the next May.All babies look the same to me,but Will was very pleased with her.

‘Look,Toby,she's got my eyes,’he said happily.‘She's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt,and as clever as King Solomon.’

‘Oh yes?’I said.‘All parents talk like that about their children.I don't believe a word of it.’

I didn't see much of Will's wife.I knew she didn't like me.To her,I was one of Will's wild friends,who got him into trouble.She came from a very serious,Puritan family.Lots of church-going,and no singing or dancing.

Soon there was another baby on the way,and one evening in February 1585 I hurried round to Henley Street to hear the news.Will's sister,Joan,opened the door,and then Will came running down the stairs.

‘It's two of them!’he said.‘Twins!A girl and a boy.Isn't that wonderful!’

Will had some good friends,Hamnet and Judith Sadler,and he called the twins after them.John Shakespeare was very pleased to have his first grandson,and everyone was happy.For a while.

Will and I still went around together when we could.He was still reading,and writing,and soon I could see a change in him.He was twenty-three now,and he was not happy with his life.

‘Stratford's too small,Toby,’he said.‘Too slow.Too quiet.Too boring.I've got to get away.’

‘Yes,but how?’I asked.‘You've got a family—three young children,remember.’

He didn't answer.

In the summer months companies of players often came to small towns,and in 1587 five different companies came.Will and I always went to see the plays.Will loved to talk to the actors and to listen to all their stories of London

The Queen's Men came to Stratford in June,and we went to see the play.I don't remember what it was.I know that I laughed a lot,and that Will said it was a stupid play,with not a word of poetry in it.

‘Why don't you write a play yourself?’I told him.

‘Write a play?’He laughed.‘Anne would never speak to me again.’

I didn't say anything,and Will looked at me and laughed again.

It happened a few months later.I walked into the Shakespeares' kitchen one evening,and there was Anne,with a red,angry face,shouting at the top of her voice.

‘How can you do this to me?And what about the children—’Then she saw me and stopped.

Will was sitting at the table,and looked pleased to see me.‘I've told Anne,’he said quietly,‘that I'm going to live in London.I want to be an actor,and to write plays,if I can.’

‘Plays!’screamed Anne.‘Acting!Actors are dirty,wicked people!They're all thieves and criminals!They drink all day and they never go to church—’

‘Don't be stupid,Anne.You know that's not true.Listen.I'll come home when I can,but I must go to London.I can't do anything in Stratford.’He looked at me across the room.‘Are you coming with me,Toby?’


Bekulan123 25 июня 2013 г., 23:03:03 (10 лет назад)
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26 июня 2013 г., 1:00:47 (10 лет назад)

Ноябрь, и она переехала жить на улицу Хинди. Джон Шекспир был рад тому, что его старший сын жениться, но я не думаю, что мама Вилла хотела, чтобы он женился так рано. Семье это стоило много денег, и Джон Шекспир имел много денежных проблем в те дни. Настали тяжелые времена на улице Хенли. Сюзанна была рождена в следующем мае. Все дети выгляди одинаково для меня, но Вилл был очень любезен с ней. Смотри, Тоби, у нее мои глаза-сказал он счастливо- она будет так же прекрасна как и королева Египта и так же умна как король Соломон. О, правда?-я сказал- Все родители говорят так о своих детях. Я не верю не единому этому слову. Я не видел часто жену Вилла. Я знал, она меня недолюбливала. Для нее я был лишь одним из диких друзей Вилла, кто втаскивал его в проблемы. Она была из очень серьезной, пуританской семьи.Чаще ходя в церковь, и никаких песен и танцев. Вскоре был еще один ребенок на подходе, и одним февральским днем 1585 я поспешил к улице Хенли чтобы узнать новости. Сестра Вилла, Джоан, открыла двери и тогда же Вилл пришел сбегая с лестницы. Их двое!-сказал он- Близнецы! Мальчик и девочка. Разве не чудесно! Вилл имел парочку хороших друзей, Гамнета и Джудиш Мадлен, и он назвал близнецов в их честь. Джон Шекспир был доволен тем, что у него появился его первый правнук и каждый был счастлив.надолго. Вилл и я до сих пор ходим вокруг вместе, когда мы можем. Он до сих пор читает и пишет, и скоро я смогу увидеть изменения в нем. Он был двадцати трех летним сейчас и он не был счастлив с его женой. Статфорд слишком мал, Тоби-сказал он- Слишком медленный, слишком тихий, слишком скучный. Я хочу убраться отсюда. Да, но как?-спросил я его- У тебя есть семья. три маленький ребенка, помни Он не ответил. В летние месяцы компании игроков обычно приезжали в маленькие городки, и в 1587 пять разных сомпаний приехали. Вилл и я обычно ходили смотреть игры. Вилл любил говорить с актерами и слушать все их истории О Лондоне. Королевский человек прибыл в Статфорд в июне, и мы ходили смотреть спектакль. Я не помню что это было. Но я помню, что много смеялся и что Вилл скачал, что это была глупая сценка, без единого слова поэзии в нем. Почему же ты не напишешь пьесу сам?-спросил я его Написать пьесу?-он засмеялся-Энн никогда больше не заговорит со мной снова. Я ничего не ответил, и Вилл посмотрел на меня и снова засмеялся. Это случилось несколько месяцев позднее. Я проходил через Шекспировскую кухню в один день и там была Энн, с красным, злым лицом,крича. Как ты мог так поступить со мной? И как же дети?- когда она увидела меня, она замолчала. Вилл сидел за столом и смотрел на меня - Я сказал Энн-сказал он спокойно- Что я собираюсь жить в лондоне. Я хочу быть актером и писать пьесы, если я смогу. Пьесы!-закричала Энн- Акткрская игра! Актеры грязные, больные люди! Все она воры и преступники! Они пьют целыми днями и никогда не ходят в церковь. Не будь глупой, Энн. Ты знаешь-это не правда. Слушай, я вернусь домой, как смогу, но я должен ехать в Лондон.Я не могу ничего сделать в Статфорде. - он посмотрел на меня сквозь комнату- Ты поедешь со мной, Тоби? Когда мы можем начать?-сказал я


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Нужно перевисти!!!Will married Anne Hathaway in November, and she came to live in Henley Street. Families cost a lot of money, and John Shakespeare w

as having a lot of money troubles in those days. Times were hard in Henley Street.
Susanna was born the next May. Will was very pleased with her. "Look. Toby, she's got my eyes," he said happily. "She's going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt, and as clever as King Solomon."
I didn't see much of Will's wife. She came from a very serious, Puritan family. Lots of church-going, and no singing or dancing.
Soon there was another baby on the way, and one evening in February 1585, I hurried round to Henley Street to hear the news. Will's sister, Joan, opened the door, and then Will came running down the stairs.
"It's two of them!" he said. 'Twins! A girl and a boy. Isn't that wonderful?"
Will had some good friends. Hamnet and Judith Sadler, and he named the twins after them. John Shakespeare was very pleased to have his first grandson, and everyone was happy. For a while.
Will and I still went around together when we could. He was still reading, and writing, and soon I could see a change in him. He was twenty-three now, and he was not happy with his life,"Stratford's too small, Toby," he said. Too slow. Too quiet. Too monotonous. I've got to getaway."
"Yes, but how?" I asked. "You've got a family—three young children, remember."
He didn't answer.
In the summer months companies of players often came to small towns, and in 1587 five different companies came. Will and I always went to see the plays. Will loved to talk to the actors and to listen to all their stories of London.
The Queen's Men came to Stratford in June, and we went to see the play. Will said it was a stupid play, with not a word of poetry in it.
One evening a few months later. I walked into the Shakespeares' kitchen, and there was Anne, with a red, angry face, shouting at the top of her voice.
"How can you do this to me? And what about the children? " Then she saw me and stopped.
Will was sitting at the table, and looked pleased to see me. "I've told Anne," he said quietly, "that I'm going to live in London, I want to be an actor, and to write plays, if I can."
He turned to Anne. " Listen. I'll come home when I can, but I must go to London. I can't do anything in Stratford."
He looked at me across the room. "Are you coming with me, Toby?"
"How soon can we start?" I said.

Mary worked in a office in London, and she usualy went out and hat lunch in a restaurant. She liked foreign food and often looked in the newspaper for

the names of new restaurants, because she enjoed going to them and eating new things. Sometimes she said, "I don't like this restaurant. I'm not going to have my lunch here often."

One dayshe saw the name of a new Greek restaurant in her newspaper, and she went there for lunch. It was very small, but it was clean and nice, and the food was good.

But then Mary found something hard in her mouth. She took it out. It was a button.

" Look here, waiter!" she said. " I've found this button in my food."

" Thank you, thank you!" the waiter answered happily. " I looked everywhere for it."

A. Answer these questions.

1. What food did Mary like?

2. Where did she go one day?

3. What did she find in her mouth?

4. What did she say then?

5. What did the waiter answer?

B. Whichof the answer to these questions are correct? Write the correct answers down?

1. Did Mary always go to the same restaurant?

a. No, she didn't.

b. Yes, she did.

2. Did she go back to a restaurant after the first time?

a. No, never.

b. Yes, always.

c. Yes, often.

3. Were did she find the names of new restaurants?

a. In a big city.

b.In a newspaper.

4. What did she find in her mouth one day?

a. A waiter's button.

b. Some hard food.

5. Was the waiter happy, or angry?

a. He was angry.

b. He was happy.

C. Write this the story. Put one word in each empty space.

This is Mary's brother. His 1.......... is George. He lives in the 2........... of Chicago and works in a small Greek 3................ there. He is a lot of people come and have 4.......... there, because the 5............ is good. Look at that man. He is 6............ some meat and reading his 7................ . He comes to this restaurant, because he works i an 8............ quite near here.

Помогите ппппппппллллллллллиииииииииииииз плиз пожалуйста очень надо до 23.00.

Helen's eyes were not very good, so she usually wore glasses. But when she was seventeen and she began to go out with a young man, she never wore her

glasses when she was with him. When he came to her door to take her out, she took her glasses off, but when she came home again and he left, she put them on.
One day her mother said to her, "But, Helen, why do you never wear your glasses when you're with Jim? He takes you to beautiful places in his car but you don't see anything."
"Well, mother," said Helen, "I look prettier to Jim when I'm not wearing my glasses, and he looks better to me too." пересказ текста

I live in paris.I dont like the underground and I dont use it very often.I get to school by bicycle in summer and by bus in winter.My neighbour is my

best friend and I often walk to her house.My granny doesnt live in Paris and we get to her house by car or by train.I love the big shops in the centre of Paris and always get there by underground.Its easier. My father is a businessman and he often flies to London.He can get there by car or by train,but he likes yo fly.

6.When she came to his home she not ...( to know) that he ...( to leave) for Astana.

7.Aidar told us that he ...( to invite ) us to his birthday party in January.
8.My sister promised that she ...( to finish) her work in two days.
9.He asked me if i ...( to live) in Paris 2 years before.

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