Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Помогите сделать. Обязательно с объяснениями! Где ставится to а где нет. 1 What makes you ... think so? 2 She asked us not ... be

5-9 класс


3 His mother told him ... come back at 10.

4 She made her son ... read the letter.

5 We want you ... join our organization.

6 Hot weather makes me ... feel sick.

7 Don't make me ... laugh.

Getz 04 июня 2013 г., 22:27:55 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
05 июня 2013 г., 0:36:26 (10 лет назад)

1. -       (после слова "make" частица "to" не употребляется)

2. to     ("not TO...")

3. to     (после слова "told" частица "to" также употребляется)

4. -       (после слова "make" частица "to" не употребляется)

5. to     (после слова "want" частица "to" употребляется)

6. -       (после слова "make" частица "to" не употребляется)

7. -        (после слова "make" частица "to" не употребляется)


То есть можно сделать вывод, что в Complex Object частица "to" ставится перед глаголами want, order, force, ask, advise recommend, allow, forbid, а перед глаголами let и make частица "to" не ставится.


Читайте также

Ответьте на вопросы)what do you think is better for animals to live in zoos?what do you think is better for animals to live in wild animals parks?what

do you think is better for animals to live in the wild? помогите очень нужно)

ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ПОМОГИТЕ сделать задание до завтра,очень срочно надо.!!!Мне нужно ответить на вопросы!Заранее спасибо))) 1. which of the arts from the list

above can you call visual arts 2. what role do arts play in people`s lives?In your life?3. when did art begin ? what periods in history are famous for great works of art? 4. what countries are famous for great literature,visual arts, theatre and cinema 5. what places all over the world are cnnected with particular arts? 6. what do we usually mean when we speak about prehistoric art. ancient art/ classical art. modern art? 7. where do you go if you want to enjoy the arts?Do your friends?Why? 8.Can you do anything in the way of the arts yourself?What can you do?What art would you like to be good at?Why? 9.What arts are the most popular nowadays?Do you think som of the arts will eventually die?What makes you think that? 10.Which of the two is more popular nowadays-theatre or cinema?Which of them do you prefer? 11.Do you think radio and television are arts?

Выполните эти предложения с глаголами из списка. Иногда необходимо ставить (to go/to wait) иногда не надо ставить (go/wait)


1.Please stay here.I don't want you to go
2.I didn't hear what she said,so I asked her..................it.
3.`Shall we begin?` `No,let's.........................a few minutes.`
4.Are they already here? I expected them...............much later.
5.Kevin's parents didn't want him....................married.
6.I want to stay here.You can't make me.................with you.
7.`Is that your bicycle?` `No it's John's.He let me......................it.`
8.Mary can't come to the party.She told me.......................you.
9.Would you like a drink?Would you like me..................some coffee?
10.`Ann doesn't like me` What makes you.....................that?`

Помогите пожалуйста)

ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ....это очень срочно! Нужно написать эссе по английскому языку!! Задание звучит так: write an article expressing your opinion about

school uniforms. И обязательно нужно ответить в этом эссе на вопросы:
1) Do you agree that a uniform suppresses student's individuality.
2)What do you think students should wear at school?Why?
3)Who should decide what to wear/whether to wear uniform? Why do you think so?
4) Should a school uniform be fashionable?

Заранее огромное спасибо)

Помогите ответить на вопросы!)

1. How do you prefer to travel — by air, by sea or by land — and why? 2. What are the most expensive (the cheapest) train tickets and plane tickets? 3. What facilities and conveniences can you find in a longdistance train? 4. What formalities do people go through in an airport if they go abroad? 5. What is a modern sea liner like? 6. Which things can make your journey more pleasant? 7. What can spoil the impression of your journey? 8. What was the longest journey you’ve ever made? 9. What was the most pleasant journey you’ve had? How can you describe it? 10. What do you think the transport of the future will be like?

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