Всего в нашей базе более 4 327 664 вопросов и 6 445 981 ответов!

Задайте разделительные вопросы. 1. I am writing a letter. 2. They must do homework. 3. Sasha and robin are going to write a test. 4. Dogs can't jump. 5.

5-9 класс

She is a very good pupil. 6. We are not going to do it. 7. London is the capital of England.

Renvy209 25 апр. 2014 г., 1:01:04 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
25 апр. 2014 г., 2:51:56 (10 лет назад)

1. I am writing a letter, amn't I
2. They must do homework, musn't they 3. Sasha and robin are going to write a test, aren't they
4. Dogs can't jump, can they?
5.She is a very good pupil, isn't she
6. We are not going to do it are we?
7. London is the capital of England, isn't it


Другие вопросы из категории


Переведите пожалуйста!(на англ.яз.)
1.У моего брата нет животных.
2.У моей мамы есть кошка.
3.У моей сестры есть собака.
4.У моей тёти есть попугай.
5.У моего друга есть черепаха.
6.У моей подруги есть кот.

Проверьте текст на ошибки, пожалуйста. Ошибки с окончаниями и тд, в общем, грамматические. Писала сочинение, но google переводчик сами знаете, как

переводит. Сочинение на тему "Мой знак зодиака - близнецы".
My sign of the zodiac - twins. And when I once again read through the horoscope of your zodiac sign , then wondered - how does this description sounds like me . In the horoscope was written that I quickly throw what I was doing without regret , and begin to seek another case. As the truth is the truth. Quite often I get tired of one passion , and I am desperately trying to switch to another , as the monotonous things depress me . Also in the horoscope is written that I do not punctual person . But it is not. I rarely late, and if it does happen, I 'm late for a while. Twins do not like slow-moving people, they are emotional, like stepping into the debate for hours on the flight , proving his point. I agree with these opinions, yes , it's very similar to me . In my horoscope there are a few differences from me, but this can only say one thing : how many people, so many opinions.

write your own sentences begining i wish... 1 (somewhere you'd like to be now-on the beach, in New York,in bed etc.) I wish I


2 (something you'd like to have-a computer,a job,lots of money etc.)


3 (something you'd like to be able to do-sing,speak a language,fly etc.)


4 (something you'd like to be-beautiful,strong,rich etc.)

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Ask tag questions about the statements.Задайте разделительные вопросы к утверждениям, Model: Mary can play the piano-- Mary can play

the piano cfnt she&

1.Jane and Kate are going to visit the Tower of London

2. We arent going to eat it

3.Jack isnt writing a letter

4.He can help you with your test

5.Cat cant fly

Срочно надо задать разделительные вопросы к утверждениям!!! 1.Jane and Kate are going to visit the Tower of london...

2.We aren't going ti eat it...
3.Jack isn;t writing a letter...
4.He can help you with your test...
5.Cats can't fly

He takes mountain paths through the heather Задать разделительный вопрос к этому предложени No one can

deny that walking is the cheapest way of travelю

Задать альтернативный вопрос к этому предложению

Помогите пожалуйста!!!! Употребить в правильной форме Present Perfect, Present Continuos, 1)What are you(to do) here?- I am (to write) a letter

to my friends?

2) Who (to write) hus artiete?

3)What language you (to study)?

4) We (to learn) a lot of English words ( a lready)

5) What she (to iteach) them?

6) What just (to do) some thing for us

7) You (to find) the book?

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